The list of outputs

The list of evaluated outputs includes research, development, artistic, and other creative activities registered in the Central Register of Publication Activity (CREPČ) or the Central Register of Artistic Activity (CREUČ) (if the applicant is an HEI) or in the Register of Publication Activity and Reviews in the Slovak Academy of Sciences or another publicly accessible register (if the applicant is a PRI or a holder of a certificate of eligibility for research and development). Specific registered artistic outputs within CREUČ can be found by entering the so-called “EUCA code” (on the web:

The hyperlinks provided in the lists of individual assessed outputs containing EUCA codes do not, therefore, refer directly to any of the databases or registers of creative outputs. To find a specific output referenced by a hyperlink containing an EUCA code, it is necessary to search for the output by the specific EUCA code within the CREUČ database (